Reality TV gets a little too real

trumpAmerican’s love their reality TV. From The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Big Brother, America’s Got Talent, Chopped, Project Runway and others, viewers are keeping their eyeballs on the boob tube.

That’s why it should come as no surprise that America is obsessed with the latest reality show; the GOP Republican Presidential Nomination race.

The star of this latest show is no stranger to this genre of entertainment. Donald Trump, star of The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice, has literally sucked all the air out of the room with his flamboyant showmanship leaving all challengers to come up with ways to get noticed.

  • Rand Paul posted a video of him taking a chainsaw to the tax code promising to kill it much like the car salesman in Used Cars.
  • Lyndsey Graham took to YouTube to teach us all how to destroy your cell phone after The Donald gives out your number on network television. I was shocked that he still uses flip phone from era long, long ago.
  • And, in what may be the most bizarre episode yet, Ted Cruz posted a video entitled  “Making Machine-Gun Bacon with Ted Cruz,” with the final moments showing the junior senator peeling a piece of meat off the barrel with plastic fork, putting it in mouth, and humming, “Mmmm, machine-gun bacon.”

Sadly, all of these demonstrations of statesmanship have had little impact on the polls. Trump still leads by a large margin which leads to the question; why? Do republicans really believe Trump has the right stuff to be president?

My guess is that voters want someone on that campaign trail who is not afraid of having an “oops” moment and really say what they think (even if it’s a bit wacky). They want that infamous off-the-cuff style of talk that Trump is famous for. Immigration, the economy and the other issues of the day will be hit with a barrage of Trumpism’s that will be sure to keep the candidates on their toes.

It truly is Must See TV.

I don’t have a prayer

ZiggyI came across this cartoon yesterday and I have to admit it made me smile. How often have we looked to God asking him/her to fix this, or help us with that?

To me, the real challenge is asking what I need to do to be a better person. I am however reminded of my favorite prayer; “God give me patience and give it to me right now!”

A state of confusion

Rebel-Flag-WallpaperTexas can be a conundrum. Politicians fight to keep marriage between one man and one woman, yet the citizens elect an openly gay mayor to manage its largest city. The governor will sue the federal government at the drop of hat citing the need for local control, then over-turn a local community’s voter approved ban on fracking saying they must abide by Austin rules.

So it might surprise people to know that when it comes to honoring the Civil War, Texas is unexpectedly quiet. Yes, you will find your various statues of Civil War “heroes” along with streets, lakes and parks bearing the name of confederate soldiers, but when it comes to the rebel flag, Texas would rather say no thank you.

For years, the state of Texas has refused to put the rebel flag on its license plates. This caused such a contention among confederate groups that the issue made it all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled that Texas did not violate the First Amendment when it refused to allow the specialty license plates bearing the Confederate battle flag. The court ruled the plates were the government’s speech and are thus immune from First Amendment attacks.

Nine states currently let drivers choose specialty license plates featuring the Confederate battle flag and honoring the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which says it seeks to celebrate Southern heritage (although that could change following the recent events in Charleston). But Texas refused to allow the group’s plates, saying the flag was offensive.

Texas, it seems, has always followed its own path. Before the war broke out, Sam Houston said “I will endeavor to say a few words in behalf of the Union, and the necessity of union to preserve it, which I trust will not fall unheeded.”  Not exactly a ringing endorsement of breaking away from the north, but then again, not all Texans felt the same as Houston did.

More Texans care about the Alamo than any Civil War battle and Juneteenth (the day when Texas slaves learned they were free) is celebrated with more gusto than any Civil War remembrance, which again goes to the case that Texas can be a very tough state to figure out.

Stop or I’ll shoot!

Crowd_PhonesThere’s a new debate brewing with the burgeoning use of photos/videos being recorded on cell phones and people’s right to privacy. What started off as harmless (although increasingly annoying) selfies has now turned into everyone becoming guardians of truth, justice and the American way.

In Texas, the Austin-based American Phoenix Foundation has had 16 people with hidden cameras at the Capitol for six months in a bid to expose “hypocrisy” by Texas lawmakers.

There have been several House Republican lawmakers who expressed concerns with some of the group’s tactics, saying they were approached in an aggressive manner by people with hidden cameras to secretly videotape encounters that has raised alarms for Capitol security. Between gun advocates openly carrying down the hallowed halls of the capitol and covert videographers, it’s a wonder anyone feels safe there. Good thing they installed those panic buttons.

John Beria, spokesperson for the group said “they’ve collected quite a bit of content that I think will probably be very good, but a camera is nothing to be worried about if you’re not doing anything wrong” which is exactly the same argument used by proponents of red-light cameras. I guess you can have your cake and eat it too.

Now comes word that it’s not only politicians who are worried about being filmed. The airline industry is also taking notice. American Airlines updated its internal policies to allow employees at the airport, including ticket counters, gates, cargo, baggage, and onboard, to stop passengers from taking pictures.

“The policy is in place to protect employees and customers,” says Andrea Huguely, an American Airlines spokeswoman.

We’ve all seen the cell phone videos taken by passengers during those moments in the not so friendly skies. It’s hard to blame someone not being comfortable when dealing with an unruly passenger and there are 37 cells phone recording your every move.

And, it’s not only airline employees. Currently there are several proposed bills under the Texas Big Top (or State Capitol Building) are trying to tackle this modern issue. HB 2918 would make it illegal for private citizens to film police officers while conducting their duties. (This ban would not apply to members of the real-media).

So where does the right to document start and the right to privacy end? As usual, it will likely be decided by our elected officials and the courts.

Tools of Satan

satanI have often been called a “tool”, but Mary Hammer Menzel, who regularly volunteers to lead the prayer prior to Montgomery County Commissioner Court meetings, took it to another level by declaring that anyone opposed to the proposed transportation bond is “a tool of Satan” during her prayer.

Most of the attendees quickly distanced themselves from those comments, but Precinct 1 Commissioner Mike Meador said Menzel should not be criticized.

“She does a great job when she is called on,” said Meador. “To criticize a personal prayer is wrong; it’s offensive.”

And we certainly don’t want to offend anyone do we?

That’s their problem, not mine,” Menzel said of those offended. “I like to exercise my rights as a Christian.”

County Judge Craig Doyal said he was surprised by Menzel’s prayer. He added that the county may look at a different system to find volunteers for future meetings.

Ya think?

Who to blame?

MoneySchoolIt’s been an interesting week in Austin. The locals like to quip that the circus is in town when the Texas Legislature is in session.

In todays’ uber-modern world, all the committee meetings and sessions are a mouse click away, allowing ordinary citizens to “watch the sausage being made” and much like the cliché, there some real funk in the air.

I have been watching/listening to the Senate Education Committee discuss school vouchers. Both sides have good points to debate, but many of the testimony in favor of vouchers talk about how dangerous public schools are, or poorly they perform. Proponents want to have a choice for their children, and it’s hard to argue with that.

What I find interesting is that no one is asking the question why public education is such a mess. Isn’t the legislature responsible for doing all it can to create a public education that provides a safe learning environment? If so, they appear to admit they are not doing a very good job and so we’re going to let families have the choice to get vouchers for private, for-profit institutes.

It was also interesting to hear two pastors who have private schools at their churches against vouchers because they don’t believe any religion, or faith-based organization receive money from the government even though they would stand to profit from the decision. Now that is standing on your conviction.

A bad investment?

Texas FooballThe power of football in Texas can be daunting. Just consider the recent remarks made by the chairman of the University of Houston’s board of regents, Tilman Fertitta.

Fertitta is upset that the Big 12 conference does not want to add UH into its fold and told the Houston Chronicle’s editorial board that the Texas legislature should “Put pressure on the presidents; say, ‘If you don’t do this, we’re not going to fund you for this.’ It’s just the way it is. That’s the way to do it.”

Now keep in mind, this is the same person who wasn’t troubled by the fact that Aramark had more information than its potential competitors in bidding for a contract at the universities new stadium saying that’s just the nature of doing business. “I outsmart people all the time,” Fertitta said.

Hey, if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying, right?

But getting back to the playing field. It is ironic that the highest paid state of Texas employee never sees the field, but rather acts as a “special assistant” at the University of Texas. Mack Brown, the former UT head coach is earning a cool $3,824,856 per year. In case you’re curious, the second highest paid employee is current UT head coach Charley Strong, pulling in a measly $3,025,375 per year.

The Horns finished with 6-7 record (5-4 in the Big 12) in 2014 and were rewarded with a trip to the prestigious AdvoCare Texas Bowl where they were trounced 31 – 7 by Arkansas asking the question if they are getting a healthy return on investment, or if they look more like a Vontage IPO.

All the news that’s fit to opine

NewsSo where do you go for news? CNN, Fox, the Houston Chronicle or maybe Facebook and Twitter?

The Pew Research Center recently released a study that showed “Liberals and conservatives turn to and trust strikingly different news sources. And across-the-board liberals and conservatives are more likely than others to interact with like-minded individuals” which is kinda like determining eating too much will make you obese.

What did catch my attention in the study was the different types of news sources cited. You have the obvious main news channels like Fox News and CNN, but people also mentioned they use Glen Beck, The Daily Show, The Rush Limbaugh Program and The Ed Schultz Show as a source for news about government and politics.

While all these shows cover what is in the news, respondents used them as a source for their news even though much, if not almost of the content relies on providing an opinion, and not factual reporting.

Responding via email, Jocelyn Kiley, associate director, research, Pew Research Center said, “to create our list of sources, we took into account audience numbers from past Pew Research Center media consumption surveys and other audience data. Before fielding the survey, we also ran a pilot test to determine if our final list matched where people said they were receiving their news about government and politics.”

While the study listed many different opinion shows, it did not have the O’Reilly Factor or Anderson Cooper 360 listed. Kiley said they were included as part of their overall respective networks and not on their own. That might make sense from a research standpoint, but I think they missed an opportunity to further differentiate between the two types of journalism we see today. Do more people feel they get their news from the O’Reilly Factor, or Anderson Cooper 360 over the regular news programming on Fox and CNN?

Political candidates are starting to catch on to this. Vincent Harris, Dan Patrick’s digital consultant for the Lt. Governor election said by using social media sites such as Facebook, Patrick could communicate with voters more directly and quicker. Harris told the Houston Chronicle “he can do it without needing to go through the media as a filter.”

So again the question is raised, does it matter if people’s primary news source was from a show that’s based more on opinion than the traditional, factual style of reporting? The line between what constitutes so-called traditional journalism versus spin journalism is growing increasingly blurred. Both provide audiences with news and information, but programs such as The Daily Show and Sean Hannity take that news and pass it through a sieve of ideology, humor and beliefs.

I remember once speaking with a crusty, “old-school” news director who told me he never voted because that would require him to make up his mind and have to decide who makes the better candidate. Making that decision could influence the way his news department would cover an election. I wonder if that type of journalist still exists today.

A Tale of Two Leagues

NFL LogoThe NFL has been busy these past few weeks dodging and weaving like Walter Payton, trying to avoid the big hit. By now, everyone has seen and heard about Baltimore Ravens running back, Ray Rice cold-cocking his then girlfriend in an Atlantic City hotel elevator.

We have since learned that Minnesota Viking running back, Adrian Peterson disciplined his son by giving him a “whooping” causing injuries severe enough to lead a doctor to alert authorities.

We could continue this rap sheet with other names such as Hardy, McDonald and let’s not even get into whether the Redskins is an offense name, or a badge of honor. Let’s face it, the NFL is having a rough time, but much of it seems self-inflicted.

It was not that long ago when former NBA owner Donald Sterling was recorded making racist remarks to his female friend. What happened? The NBA immediately suspended him and forced him to sell his team. Granted, he made a boat-load of money, but the NBA demonstrated a zero tolerance towards anything which could tarnish the league.

Since then, the Atlanta Hawks have also been severely punished for “insensitive” comments, which interestingly enough, are not illegal, yet caused great embarrassment to the NBA.

No one can argue the NFL is the most popular sport in the land. TV ratings seem to be broken every season and fans sell out stadiums every Sunday (and Monday, Thursday and the occasional Saturday games). So it is puzzling why the NFL does not institute a zero tolerance policy. Do they think not having a Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson on the field will diminish fan interest, or God forbid, cause the owners to loose revenue? Former players talk about protecting the shield (the NFL logo), but there seems to be an underlying avoidance of standing up for what’s right in the league office.

Now I do believe in due-process (although that didn’t seem to be a problem when it came to Donald Sterling and the NBA), but many, including sponsors like Anheuser Busch are beginning to ask what the NFL stands for and don’t think that hasn’t gotten the owners attention.

Roger Goodall is taking the heat, but it needs to be noted that he works for 32 owners who are ultimately responsible for what takes place when it comes to league operations. Up to this point, owners are supporting Goodall, but could easily throw him to the wolves, or worse, the court of public opinion, which will make everyone feel better, but solve nothing.

Does this make sense?

PonderHere is something for America to ponder. There has been great debate which has been on-going about the crisis on the border and what needs to be done. Buzz words like “Boots on the Ground” and “Humanitarian Crisis” are dominating headlines. Fingers are being pointed at Washington for failing to secure the border while Governor Perry is posing for photo ops with a flax jacket and rifle in hand.

Half a world away, another humanitarian crisis is taking place. Thousands of Iraqi’s are being threatened by ISIS, a very radical branch of Muslim extremists who vow to murder anyone that does not convert to their way of thinking.

Many of these Iraqi’s are fleeing, lining up at neighboring countries borders seeking refuge. Two of the countries who have opened up refugee camps inside their country to help assist these innocent victims are Jordon and Syria (yes, that Syria who has been mired in a horrific civil war for control of the country).

So how do these countries, which certainly don’t have the resources to match the US, have the ability to lend aid? It’s hard to imagine a country with as many issues as Syria being able to help anyone, yet someone how they manage it.

Now I’m not suggesting we open our borders and build camps, but it does make one pause to think…