Numbers that tell a story

There has certainly been a lot of attention on citizens who have been killed by police officers. The recent events (thanks to cellphone video) in Baton Rouge and Minneapolis have put a national spotlight on this very contentious issue.

Dyfed Loesche, a “data journalist” with, did some digging and came up with, what I found to be, surprising numbers on what is happening in the country.

Watching the coverage and hearing the rhetoric, you would assume the majority of people being killed by police officers are black men, but you would be wrong. As of July 8, 238 white males have been killed versus 123 black men (you can see all the information on the data graph below).

The other number that jumps out to me is that of the 509 killed this year, at least 124 were thought to be suffering some sort of mental illness. David Brown, Dallas police chief, who lost 5 officers in a horrific attack said police are left to solve the problems left by government officials.

“Not enough mental health funding, let the cop handle it. Not enough drug addiction funding, let’s give it to the cops. Here in Dallas we have a loose dog problem. Let’s have the cops chase loose dogs. Schools fail, give it to the cops. 70 percent of the African-American community is being raised by single women, let’s give it to the cops to solve as well. That’s too much to ask. Policing was never meant to solve all those problems. I just ask other parts of our democracy along with the free press to help us.”

Infographic: Breakdown of U.S. citizens killed by police in 2016 | Statista

Is it time to revisit free speech?

Billboard near Benton, Tennessee

Just when you think politics can’t sink any lower, along comes a candidate who breaks through and lowers the bar even further. This time with a billboard which reads “Make America White Again”.

Rick Tyler, an independent candidate for the 3rd Congressional District in Tennessee is the person responsible for the messages (see below). According to a story from WSMV-TV, Tyler said the sign’s message is that America should go back to a “1960’s, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration.”

He went on to add that he has no hatred in his heart for “people of color”, although one does wonder what he wants done to them. Maybe he can get them to leave voluntarily (who could blame them).

Tyler told a local ABC News affiliate that the sign was taken down on Tuesday evening after the story went viral. His restaurant, Whitewater Grille in Ocoee, is also facing calls for a boycott.

We need to remind ourselves that there will always be people who are extremists and are looking for a way to get noticed (can you say Westboro Baptist Church) and everyone has a right to their opinion, but there comes a time when somebody needs to say enough is enough.

Maybe we need to revisit freedom of speech along with the right to bear arms.

Another billboard for Rick Tyler for Congress.

Blurred lines

bench-2They have gone too far.

I admit, I’m a fan of Modern Family. I think it’s cleverly written and I find myself actually laughing out loud, but all that has changed after this past episode.

Part of the storyline involved Phil Dunphy, a loveable goofball, using his knowledge of real estate to foil an evil character’s attempts at taking advantage of a family member. I found myself cheering him on as he landed blow after blow on the unsuspecting person.

Turns out she was not the only unsuspecting person. That scene was part of a new advertising strategy by the National Association of Realtors. Yes, they actual paid for a scene that made real estate agents look valuable.

I totally get that today’s TV’s viewing habits are radically different than even five years ago and advertisers are having a hard time reaching consumers. Recording programs and zooming past the ads are becoming more and more the normal rather than the exception, but has it really come to this? I can understand paying a show to have an actor drink a coke (product placement), but to actually help write a script?

It looks like the sales department has moved smack dab into the writer’s office.

In the public interest?

Scrooge would be proud

Something interesting is taking place in the world of journalism. The world is buzzing about the release of the Panama Papers which reveled prominent world leaders hiding millions of dollars in offshore accounts and avoiding paying taxes.

(It was also hard to believe there was gambling going on at Rick’s Place in Casablanca).

The fallout has already begun with Iceland’s Prime Minister resigning after the leaked documents showed his wife owned an offshore company with big claims on collapsed Icelandic banks. More resignations are expected as the U.S.-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) reveal more names from the more than 11.5 million documents leaked from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.

This poses an interesting question for ICIJ and other journalists. Is it ethical to use stolen materials to publish a story, even if it is in the public’s interest to do so?

Back in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg released the Pentagon Papers which showed how the Johnson administration systematically lied, not only to the public, but to congress as well about the Vietnam War.

Ellsberg was initially charged with conspiracy, espionage and theft of government property, but the charges were later dropped after prosecutors investigating the Watergate Scandal learned that the staff members in the Nixon White House had ordered the so-called White House Plumbers to engage in unlawful efforts to discredit Ellsberg.

Much like the Panama Papers, Ellsberg took the papers and released them to the N.Y. Times. At the time, Ellsberg said:

I felt that as an American citizen, as a responsible citizen, I could no longer cooperate in concealing this information from the American public. I did this clearly at my own jeopardy and I am prepared to answer to all the consequences of this decision.

The Times v. United States is generally thought of as a victory for an extensive reading of the First Amendment, but as the Supreme Court ruled on whether the government had made a successful case for prior restraint. Its decision did not void the Espionage Act or give the press unlimited freedom to publish classified documents.

There is big difference between classified documents and documents from a business, but the point ends up being the same; should the press use material that was stolen and not authorized?

The press faced a similar question when former CIA employee Eric Snowden leaked classified information from the National Security Agency to journalists with stories appearing in The Guardian and The Washington Post. Snowden has been called a hero, whistleblower, patriot and traitor.

I am all for outing the bad guys, but do two wrongs make it right? I guess that, once again is determined by what side of the fence you are sitting on.

Sucking the oxygen out of the room

Mad MagazineLike many Americans, I am watching the primary season with great fascination. After months of campaigning, candidates taking swings at each other (and in some instances, their wives) and generally looking very tired (I still have a hard time understanding why anyone would want to be president) the road to the White House continues.

It seems that the one constant is reporters asking the candidates, ‘what do you think of what Donald Trump said/did’? I understand why they ask the question. Talking about The Donald pumps up the ratings. Viewers/readers/listeners are drawn to anything related the TV reality star like the proverbial moth to a flame. I get that.

What I don’t get is why the other candidates (especially Cruz and Kasich) answer the questions. If I was offering advice, I would have them respond with something like, ‘thank you for your question, here is my plan to fix/improve (insert topic here).

The conversation is being dominated by what Trump says, what Trump does and what Trump wants, which is great for Trump, but not so great for the others. They need to tell us why their ideas are right for America.

Reporters and editors might not like this, and you do run the risk of getting less airtime and coverage, but how much value do you think they are currently getting talking about an opponent. It makes sense when your opponent attacks you and mentions you by name, but I would otherwise steer clear.

I am reminded of Mitt Romney during a debate at the last presidential election. The reporter chided Romney for not answering his question. Romney’s reply?  ‘You can ask the question any way you like and I can answer it any way I like’.

If it bleeds…it leads

275px-KTRK_open Yesterday was a big news day here in Houston. There was Super Tuesday where many candidates were vying for their parties nomination.

Another big story was astronaut Scott Kelly returning to Houston after spending a record 340 days in outer space.

So when I woke up this morning, I was excited to catch up on all the news until I turned to ABC-13. Their 5:30 a.m. newscast began, not with the election coverage and not with Scott Kelly’s triumphant return. No, they decided the #1 story was regarding a chuck wagon race driver being thrown from his wagon during last night’s Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.

Being the respected Houston’s News Leader, the station did warn us the video was very graphic and might be disturbing to some views, but we’re going to show it anyways. I am not trying to make fun of the accident. I realize someone was hurt badly and I trust they will make a full recovery, but this is the lead story?

Did no one in the newsroom say, “Hey wait a minute. Wasn’t there some kind of election last night?”

Maybe the unfortunate rodeo mishap allowed the station to have a reporter do a live shot from the scene (I’m sure all the fun at the Red Neck Country Club was over by then), but as ESPN (who is owned by the same company as ABC-13) would say; “Come On Man!’

Taking a leap of faith

Today is Feleap-year-waste-time-february-somewhat-topical-ecards-someecardsb. 29 which means we are in a Leap Year, or as smart people call it; a bissextile year. Most people know we add an extra day to account for the fact that a standard solar calendar is 365 days, 48 minutes, 45 seconds or roughly 365 ¼ days.

What you may not know is our Gregorian calendar (instituted by Pope Gregory) requires losing 3 days every 400 years which means years ending in 00 don’t have a leap day, expect every 400 years when they do (got all this?).

I find it funny to note that the very first Playboy Club featuring waitresses in bunny outfits opened in Chicago on this date in 1960. Today is also Rare Disease Day, in honor (I’m guessing here) of today being a rare day.

Other famous happenings on this date happened back in 1504 when Christopher Columbus used a lunar eclipse to his advantage over the indigenous people of Jamaica and trick them into giving him food. Not to be outdone, the first warrants of the Salem witch trials were issued in 1692.

Ironically, Hattie McDaniel became the first African-American to win an Oscar back in 1940 for her role in Gone with the Wind (not to be confused with Gone in 60 Seconds).


Not so fast my friend

Thankfully, we have made a lot of progress with African-Americans being nominated since then.

Be careful what you wish for

The nomination for the Republican Party presidential candidate has been interesting to say the least. Much like Ted Cruz’s successful election when he ran for the Senate, the goal it seems is to “out conservatize” the other.

While many pundits have long predicted Trump imploding, he continues to defy the odds and befuddle the establishment of the party by continuing to win states. I don’t think many republicans thought he would be able wear the conservative label and even attract the coveted evangelical vote, yet as of today, he remains the front-runner.

The race grew even more personal in South Carolina. I always assumed the palmetto state was gentile and respectfully southern until I remembered that Francis Underwood, the fictional president in the smash hit “House of Cards” is also from

Watching all this reminds me of that famous scene from the movie “The Hunt for the Red October” when a Russian sub is blown up due to the arrogance of its commander. It seems the Grand Old Party could be headed down the same path.

Modern media

media-spoonfeeding-cartoonIt was 30 years ago today when the space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after take-off. That event was a sad moment in American history, but it also reminded me on how much news coverage has changed.

30 years ago, I was working at KTRH, a news station that sent its own reporter to cover the launch. There was much excitement surrounding the fact that a high school teacher named Christa McAuliffe was selected to join the crew and participate in the mission and the powers that be at the station felt it important to be there live.

While all the major radio networks signed off the air after one minute into the mission, KTRH continued to broadcast the fatal launch and was first to let listeners know about the tragic events that followed. Reporter Sue Davis did a remarkable job of describing the scene while other media outlets scrambled to get back on the air.

I wonder how many local media outlets today would send a reporter and cover and event like that today. In a day of media consolidation and lack of competition, it seems that, more and more, we have to rely on a few outlets for our news coverage.

During the 1992 presidential election, KTRH sent reporters to all three candidate headquarters on election night, bringing local insight on what was the most important thing happening at that moment. Today, we’re lucky if a radio station will bother to broadcast radio network coverage. Yes, TV still does a pretty good job of covering major events, but it’s national coverage and can’t tell us what impact it could have on Houston and the Gulf Coast.

Maybe in today’s world of internet media, where everyone is a journalist, having a local source for news and information is passé, but I still like to know who I’m getting my news from and not rely on some blogger sitting at computer a thousand miles away from what is taking place.

I know this sounds like “back in my day”. Maybe I’m beginning to understand what that really means.

Pope Mania

cookiePope Mania is sweeping the U.S. Not since the Beatles invaded America has the nation gone so bonkers. From Pope Francis Bobble Head Dolls to cookies with his face in the icing (do you really want to bite the Pope’s head?), Americans just can’t get enough of the holy Pontiff.

I find it interesting to watch politicians walk that tight rope between using the Pope to further their agendas, while trying to ignore the issues in which they differ.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz released a statement on how Pope Francis leads on abortion, marriage and religious liberty.

Cruz (or someone in his office) wrote:

Pope Francis has spoken to the world, proclaiming the inherent truth and goodness of life, marriage and religious liberty.

In the first-ever papal address to Congress, Pope Francis continues to blaze a trail by going where no predecessor has been. The media will cover that extensively, but will they cover his trip to feed the homeless in DC, or to meet with students in East Harlem, or to shake hands with prison inmates in Philadelphia? That’s the true heart of the church — beyond any four walls in Congress.

I guess Cruz doesn’t watch much news. If he did, he would see that the Pope is dominating both national and local newscasts that would even make a Kardashian blush.

What Cruz doesn’t mention is the Pope’s view on areas like immigration, the death penalty and global warming and there-in lies the problem. This is not your usual Pope. He has surprised many people with his views on a variety of issues (hey, if a gay person has God in his heart, who am I to judge?) and does not fit into a neat box.

Now to be fair, this tricky balancing act isn’t unique to Cruz. The silence is deafening from Democrats who will tout his holiness’s position on immigration, but fall quiet when he reminds them about the church’s opposition to abortion and gay marriage.

So can the Pope be right on some issues and wrong on others? And, how would we know?