Being thankfull

I was talking with my mom on the phone over the weekend.  During our conversation, she told me she wanted to write a letter to the editor.  Oh boy, I thought.  Time to start researching a home for the old lady.

ThanksgivingI asked her what the letter would be about and she said Thanksgiving.  She was reading the paper and it had a rundown of suggestions for each day of the week leading up to the Thanksgiving Day holiday.  Monday you bought the bird.  Tuesday you cleaned the house and get ready for company.  Wednesday you bake the pies and put together the final preparations leading up to Thanksgiving when you eat, watch football, then eat again.

What about giving “Thanks”, my mom asked?  Shouldn’t you set aside time for that?  I paused for a moment to think about what she said, and could find no fault with her logic.

I joked that Thanksgiving was a day for all us to rest for “Black Friday”, but after we hung up, I realized just how right she was.  Everyone will be running around trying to get everything ready, but forget the real meaning of the holiday (although you might be able to say that about most holidays).  We should be giving thanks for all the blessings we recieve.

I’m going to make it a point this year to do just that.  I’m going to take a moment and give thanks for all I have including having a very smart mother.