Material Girl Flat-Lining on the Charts

madonnaMadonna’s newest album release, (why do we still call them albums?) MDNA debuted at Number One on the Billboard Charts.  This immediately produced talk of her comeback being a smashing success and would signal a triumphant return, so why, according to Forbes, has MDNA sales have fallen a record 88 percent week-to-week, from 379,000 copies to a mere 46,000?

The answer is actually pretty simple.  Madonna packaged the album with ticket sales to her upcoming tour on Ticketmaster.  She was basically giving her album away to anyone who bought a ticket. These “sales” were then counted in Billboard’s tally.  Once the tour dates sold out, the number of sales stopped.

Now to be fair, she is not the first person to offer this deal.  Both Tom Petty and Bon Jovi did this to climb the charts in the past, but you would have thought the Material Girl would be above such trickeration.  It’s hard on aging acts to stay relevant.  The older audience wants to hear the hits from the past, and the younger generation?  Well, they just don’t care.

Madonna will have no trouble selling-out large venues and, no doubt, put on a great show.  She’s scheduled to perform 4 nights at Yankee Stadium in September (She plays two nights at Toyota Center in October).

But, will this tour be enough to breathe life into MDNA, or are the days of owning the charts behind her?

Before & After

Houston SPCA Make OverHad a lot of fun with “Snoop-Dog” today.  He had a make-over done and so we posted before and after photos for everyone to check out.  We had over 66 like and 10 comments in the 1st hour of it being posted on the Houston SPCA Facebook Wall.  You can see more of my posts for them by clicking here.

It’s the End of the World as We Know It…I Feel Fine


The End is NearMuch ado has been made about the year 2012 and the Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world.  While Doom’s Day prophecies are as common as failed weddings from the Bachelorette, they are largely ignored by most sane people.

Remember Minister Harold Camping?  He went out on limb, not just once, but twice (I think there was a rounding error on his 1st prediction) urging us to empty our 401k’s and get ready for the big end.  Sadly for him, he was proven wrong on both occasions.

halleys-comet-end-world_11617_600x450Other near-famous unsuccessful prophecies include…

Haley’s Comet 1910…Stories abounded about a horrific gas cloud called Cyanogen that trailed the infamous comet (which incidentally was not named for the early rock ‘n roll star, but for some astronomer). Fortunately cooler heads prevailed and years later we eventually were able to “Rock Around the Clock”.

Heaven’s Gate 1997…It’s obvious that Comets play a big role in determining the end of the world.  The Heaven’s Gate cult believed that an alien spacecraft was following the comet Hale-Bopp.  Sadly, the members of the cult put their money where their mouth was and committed suicide fearing it was their only chance to survive before the Earth was “recycled”.

Y2K…Many feared computers would fail to understand the change from 1999 to 2000 causing massive blackouts, nuclear weapons launching and toilets to stop working.  Thankfully, we were able to still flush in the new millennium.

snookiI personally never held much stock in these predications until I learned that Snookie’s due date is December 21, 2012; the exact same date as predicted by the Mayans.  Now I always considered “Jersey Shore” to be some kind of preview as to what the end of the world would look like, but I ask you; what are the odds?

You may think I’m being foolish, but I for one plan on cashing in my IRA and heading to Belize to party with the Mayans.  If the world is going to end, I want to be with the folks who got it right.

The Year the Music Died

Say hello to my little friendLast night’s Academy Awards provided many memorable moments for fans of the big screen and the glitz it attracts.  From Jennifer Lopez’s alleged “Nip Slip”, Angelia Jolie proving her leg does indeed go all the way to her hip, to Sacha Baron Cohen baptizing Ryan Seacrest; there was a tsunami of twitter buzz through-out the night.

There was however, something that quietly snuck by.  The 2011 Academy Awards had only 2 songs nominated for an Oscar.  Never in the history of the award has so few songs been selected.  (3 songs were nominated in 2008, 2005, 1935 and 1934).

In his acceptance speech last night, Bret McKenzie thanked Disney for “making movies with songs in them”.  Afterwards, McKenzie said he was more than happy to have less competition, “Well, I am not sure why they only nominated two songs, but I was very happy with that situation.”

So does this bode bad news for song writers?  14 songs were nominated in 1945 (“It Might as Well be Spring” from the movie “State Fair” took the statue home that year) Past winners include such great names as Tim Rice, Burt Bacharach, Elton John, Oscar Hammerstein II, Randy Newman, Bob Dylan, Eminem and Henri Mancini just to name a few .

Perhaps it was just an anomaly; still one has to hope that along with amazing 3-D visual images, mind-blowing computer animation, incredible special effects and brilliant writing, there might be room in there for a good song or two.

It’s Pinsanity!

Forget “Linsanity”.  “Pinsanity” has officially taken over the internet.  I speak, of course, about the latest social media craze;  It seems everyone these days is surfing the internet and pinning photos of clothes, cute pets, recipes and just about anything else you can imagine to their digital bulletin boards. has become one of the top 10 social networking sites, but now cold water is being thrown in its face with accusations of copyright infringement.

You see, most of the photos being pinned belongs to someone else, which could violate the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).  The site’s Terms of Service are clear, but some industry leaders suggest that 98% of the materials being posted are in direct violation of those terms.  What’s a website to do? does have a way for someone to report unlicensed use of material, but appears to do very little in policing the site itself. 

To help deflect some of the criticism, is now providing websites with code that will block people from being able to pin material.  They also limit pin captions to 500-characters to stop people from stealing blog posts. has another advantage in that the posts can drive traffic back to the original source and are letting publishers embed a “Pin It” button directly on their website, which is a virtual permission slip for people to share content. 

Still, not everyone is happy and one wonders if will fall of the way of other sites like Napster.

The Fine Art of Being Rude

Once again, our fair city takes a back seat to that mega-metropolis called Big D.  Are we not as fit?  Perhaps we’re not as fashion chic?  No, it seems Houston is not as rude as the fine folks in Dallas.  This latest slap in the face comes from who wanted to know the cities where you would receive a rude reception. 

Houston ranks 16th on the list, far behind Dallas who came in at 6th (New York City was rated the rudest city).   The editors felt “the bigger the city, the bigger the attitude” was a critical factor in determining the level of rudeness.  This makes about as much sense as the more money you have, the better looking you are, but that’s beside the point. 

Let’s face it, being rude takes a lot of work.  It’s not easy to demonstrate disdain and exhibit a total lack of manners to our fellow man.  Being nice requires much less effort, so are we just being lazy? 

What will it take to improve our status among the travelers of the world?  Should we suggest anatomically impossible activities more often?  Add more sarcasm when talking about people we really don’t like?   Cut in line?  What is it that Dallas does to earn such respect when it comes to effrontery behavior? 

It’s time for this city to roll up its sleeves and get to work on improving its boorish behavior.  Allow me to start by performing the one finger salute to the staff at

The Best Music You Never Heard

Tired of hearing the same old same old on the radio? Between the exceedingly whiney Adele who can’t understand why her ex-boyfriend doesn’t want to still be friends to Maroon 5 serenading us with a very disturbing image of Mick Jagger’s tongue, the music coming out of the speakers can have us quickly reaching for a CD, or Pandora.

Fortunately there is a sanctuary of remarkable music for people who want to hear something other than “Sweet Home Alabama”. Say hello to Lost and Found; a nationally syndicated radio program that plays “the best music you never heard” (Lost and Found airs Sunday mornings from 8 to 11 on FM 103.7).

Lost and Found is hosted by Luke Crampton and offers a widely entertaining assortment of music from artists around the world. It’s like hanging out in a used record store with old friends exchanging new found music to check out. Crampton is a veritable wealth of knowledge who walks you through the world of undiscovered music with the ease of someone who genuinely enjoys bringing these hidden gems out of hiding for the world to hear.

Where else would you hear the smoky-voiced Nellie McKay singing a wonderfully sexy rendition of Doris Day’s “If I ever had a dream” or “Love has left the room” by Nina Persson performing under the name A Camp. How do you explain the genius of a Ross Cooperman, a wildly talented singer songwriter whose songs are in a league with John Mayer and Dave Matthews, but can’t seem to get a sniff of airplay?

Listening to Lost and Found makes you really appreciate the fine line that exists between being the rock star Nickelback sung about and that terribly talented musician who doesn’t have the luck, timing, right promotion (you fill in the blank) on what it takes to get noticed.

You need to have both hands on the wheel when listening. From The Ozark Mountain Daredevils, to Aaron Neville, to Graffiti6 and Smoove & Turrell (check out these guys if you like funk), there is no style left unturned. And yes, Campton does play Adela as well, but he digs deep into the playlist to find that rare nugget you won’t hear on the radio.

So make a pot of coffee, grab the Sunday paper and get ready to be entertained, informed and impressed by the best music you never heard.