If it bleeds…it leads

275px-KTRK_open Yesterday was a big news day here in Houston. There was Super Tuesday where many candidates were vying for their parties nomination.

Another big story was astronaut Scott Kelly returning to Houston after spending a record 340 days in outer space.

So when I woke up this morning, I was excited to catch up on all the news until I turned to ABC-13. Their 5:30 a.m. newscast began, not with the election coverage and not with Scott Kelly’s triumphant return. No, they decided the #1 story was regarding a chuck wagon race driver being thrown from his wagon during last night’s Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo.

Being the respected Houston’s News Leader, the station did warn us the video was very graphic and might be disturbing to some views, but we’re going to show it anyways. I am not trying to make fun of the accident. I realize someone was hurt badly and I trust they will make a full recovery, but this is the lead story?

Did no one in the newsroom say, “Hey wait a minute. Wasn’t there some kind of election last night?”

Maybe the unfortunate rodeo mishap allowed the station to have a reporter do a live shot from the scene (I’m sure all the fun at the Red Neck Country Club was over by then), but as ESPN (who is owned by the same company as ABC-13) would say; “Come On Man!’