Does this make sense?

PonderHere is something for America to ponder. There has been great debate which has been on-going about the crisis on the border and what needs to be done. Buzz words like “Boots on the Ground” and “Humanitarian Crisis” are dominating headlines. Fingers are being pointed at Washington for failing to secure the border while Governor Perry is posing for photo ops with a flax jacket and rifle in hand.

Half a world away, another humanitarian crisis is taking place. Thousands of Iraqi’s are being threatened by ISIS, a very radical branch of Muslim extremists who vow to murder anyone that does not convert to their way of thinking.

Many of these Iraqi’s are fleeing, lining up at neighboring countries borders seeking refuge. Two of the countries who have opened up refugee camps inside their country to help assist these innocent victims are Jordon and Syria (yes, that Syria who has been mired in a horrific civil war for control of the country).

So how do these countries, which certainly don’t have the resources to match the US, have the ability to lend aid? It’s hard to imagine a country with as many issues as Syria being able to help anyone, yet someone how they manage it.

Now I’m not suggesting we open our borders and build camps, but it does make one pause to think…