Worst President Ever??

lincolnPolitics can get pretty rough. Take for example, these comments about a US president:

The administration “has been disgrace from the very beginning to everyone who has anything to do with bringing it to power.” 

The nation needs “a president with brains; one who can make a plan and carry it out.”

Are they talking about Obama, Clinton, or Bush? No, the comments were directed towards Abraham Lincoln. What makes it even worst is that the comments were made by people from his own party while he was up for re-election!

It’s a good reminder for us that America always seems to be in turmoil. The Comprise of 1840 almost tore the country apart and the civil war certainly made it difficult to be an American. In today’s 24-7, social media world where controversies and crisis seem to be the norm, it’s helpful to step back and provide perspective.

For the record, it seems that Honest Abe ended up being remembered fondly with a large monument which can be found in our nation’s capital and a large head carved into Mount Rushmore. Now, I’m not sure Bush or Obama will ever reach that kind of status, but it does help one pause and ponder what history will finally say about our current presidents.