Hoof In Mouth Disease

Cliven Bundy shares his thoughts on "the negro"

Cliven Bundy shares his thoughts on “the negro”

First it was republicans distancing themselves from Ted Nugent after being made aware of his sexual relationships with under-age girls (did they never bother to listen to “Wang Dang Sweet Poontang”?) and comparing President Obama to a mongrel.

Now another hero of the right is making conservatives squirm. Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who, depending on what side of the fence you sit on, is either a patriot defending his right to have his cattle feed on public land, or a thief who is violating the law.

Putting all that to the side, Bundy, in a recent interview with The New York Times, made some eye-opening comments regarding “the negro.” In part, Bundy wondered if “are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

As you might imagine, his supporters are distancing themselves faster that Usain Bolt running the 400 meters. So what’s a conservative to do?  Perhaps spend a little time doing more homework and not simply reading the headlines, or watching Faux News for their information.