Because It’s There

Touching-My-Father-s-Soul-9780062516886I read this book years ago. It is by Jamling Norgay, the son of Tenzing Noray who was the first person along with Sir Edmund Hillary to climb Mount Everest. I started reading it again after the tragic disaster that took place which killed 16 Sherpas. What makes this book different from other accounts of climbing Everest is that it is written from a Sherpa’s point of view. Their spirituality (along with their endurance) is incredible. They are often times treated as servants by their clients, but without them, there is no way the mountain could be climbed.

The book is a must read for anyone who is interested in learning about the amazing effort it takes to scale the mountain the Sherpa’s call Miyolangsangma.

Inside the Khumba Icefall where 16 Sherpas lost their lives

Inside the Khumba Icefall where 16 Sherpas lost their lives

Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Noray

Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Noray