War On Christmas Escalates

War_on_ChristmasIt is on like Donkey Kong.

The war on Christmas is literally in full swing. A Salvation Army Bell Ringer in Arizona was allegedly punched in the arm by someone because they said “Happy Holidays” and not Merry Christmas.

Now I have to believe that even an atheist would know what Jesus would have done, but one wonders how we got to this point. Should one take offense when someone offers a happy holiday? Is this just another case of political correctness gone wild?

Reading various online posts, one begins to believe that offering someone a Merry Christmas has now become against the law. Now it’s true that public school districts walk a fine line during the season between all the celebrations, but think about it, do you really want your child to learn about the miracle of Christmas there?

Which brings us back to the war on Christmas. Is it really that horrible to have someone wish you a happy holiday? Are you so offended that you retaliate by demonstrating physical force, or screaming “don’t you believe in Jesus” at the person? During Brian Setzer’s Christmas Rocks Extravaganza recent show at the Arena Theatre, a host greeted the crowd with Happy Holidays which caused one fan to yell Merry Christmas in retaliation.

There is a bit of disconnect here for me. Many of the people who are screaming the loudest about the war on Christmas are the same people who think its ok to cut benefits such as food stamps to poor people. Now I realize that debate is not a simple one, but if Jesus is truly the reason for the season, he might want to consider a different ally in this fight.