Greatest Match Ever?

manchester-cityI have to admit that I have only recently started to enjoy the English Premier Soccer league (Barkley’s), but yesterday’s match was one of, if not the, best sporting event I have ever watched.

Manchester City needed to win to be crowned champions, and Queen’s Park Rangers (what a great name for a sports team) had to win to stay in the league and not be de-listed.

It started poorly for QPR giving up a weak goal, but they roared back to score twice and led 2-1 when play went into stoppage time.  Besides the goals, there was also a classic knee to the butt that drew a red card and so many corners for Manchester City, that I lost count.  After all that, the ref put 5 minutes up on the clock and Manchester City put the ball in the goal twice to win.

man-city-fansWatching the Manchester City fans faces go from joy to total despair to simply going bonkers at the end was like watching a roller coaster ride.  I can’t imagine what they went through, especially when you consider how long they have been second to their arch rivals, Manchester United (They last won in 1968).  It was also funny seeing the Man U. coach’s face when he learned that City had come back.

The game was so dramatic, the announcer screamed “They’ll make a movie of this match” when final whistle blew.  Who says soccer, errrrr football is boring?