The health of the Affordable Health Care Act

The debate in our nation’s capital over the Affordable Health Care Act continues. Even though Republicans own a majority in all three branches of government, there has been no consensus on how to repeal/replace it.

It seems from the rhetoric of the American people, there are actually parts they like such as having their children stay on their policy till they reach 25 years of age, and allowing people with pre-existing conditions to get some kind of health care coverage.

The biggest hurdle may be in what the act has become known as; “Obamacare”. Republicans  seem to have the attitude of “we don’t much care for Obama” and anything with his name on it is an abomination. I can’t help but wonder if both sides could fix it/make it better if his name wasn’t associated with it.

Ironically, the Freedom Caucus, is asking republicans to work with conservatives and throw out the whole thing which sounds strange to me when you consider the fact that most every Republican would claim they already are conservative.

It’s not easy, even President Trump commented “who knew health care could be so complicated” (actually anyone who relies on P.P.O.’s and co-pays already knew that). Trump even threatened to work with Democrats (insert gasp here) to get something done much to chagrin of Republican law-makers.

The Republicans point out more insurance companies are bowing out and rates are sky-rocketing which is true. Democrats warn a full repeal would cause millions to lose coverage which is also true. So where does the answer lie? Perhaps in the provable middle where few dare to tread and even fewer are able to politically return.