Riding the storm out

Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.

Wall Street experienced another volatile day. The market fell nearly 800 points (down 3.10%) following the realization that the meeting between President Trump and Chinese President Xi was not all it was cracked up to be.

The smiling optimism that came out of the G20 meeting quickly turned to panic after investors realized that, not only is the trade war not over, but could be worse. Tech stocks seemed to take the brunt of the blow with Apple and Alphabet losing more than 4 percent each.

So what happened? Investors took what President Trump said to heart and thought we had turned a corner until they realized that nothing was even close to being settled. You would think these so-called experts would understand that this president enjoys a bit of exaggeration when he explains his dealings with others (remember how the republicans won big in the last election?).

So once again, investors are looking at a “correction”. With fears of more tariffs and trade wars and talk of a possible recession, investors may want to baton down the hatches and get ready for a really bad storm.