Can you run that by me again?

Its primary election season in Texas and that means we get to hear/see lots of political messaging.

While most end up in the recycling bin, one direct mail piece caught my attention. It was from the Freedom & Liberty Conservatives PAC. The headline across the top said “Let’s Make Montgomery County Great Again” following the successful mantra President Trump used during his campaign.

As anyone familiar with Montgomery County knows, republicans control just about every political position available, which begs the question; why isn’t Montgomery County great now?

The flyer introduces us to “the magnificent nine reformers who will make Montgomery County great again!” (I counted and the phrase ‘Make Montgomery County great again’ appears six times on the mailer) Leading the charge is Mark Keough who is running for county judge.

Their website promotes their values saying “conservatives support less government spending and lower taxes. If some take the foregoing beliefs as divisive, that is no concern to us. We agree with Thomas Jefferson that ‘the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

The mailer asks voters ‘don’t you long for mornings when’…

  • Property taxes didn’t threaten to force you out of your home?
  • You didn’t have to fight traffic gridlock, potholes and tolls?
  • Sexual harassment by people in power is no longer tolerated?

So why isn’t Montgomery County great? The city of Conroe (the county seat) is the fastest growing city in the U.S., so there must be something being done right, or why would so many people want to move there?

The only conclusion I can come up with is that we have the wrong kind of conservative republicans in office. Maybe we could come up with uniforms that indicate the rank of how conservative someone is so that we can make an informed decision March 6.