All the news that’s fit to swallow

maxresdefaultNBC News is facing heat that doesn’t involve Brian Williams. Their new superstar Megyn Kelly is set to broadcast an interview with Infowar’s Alex Jones. Jones is famous for his wild conspiracy theories including his assertion that the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting which killed 20 children and six adults was faked.

Kelly and the show have responded that the interview is important because Jones is extremely popular with a large segment of America and that Jones has even been praised by President Trump. Kelly’s contention is that people need to know who he is.

As seems to be trend today, many advertisers have pulled out the program for fear of consumer retaliation. Kelly was even bumped from being the emcee for a victims of Sandy Hook Promise gala.

It’s an interesting debate. Should someone so controversial be given national primetime exposure? Will giving him this platform increase his popularity, or hold him more accountable. Kelly told CNN “what I think we’re doing is journalism. While it’s not always popular, it’s important.”

While that may be true, we should not forget that her new endeavor “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly” has seen a big decline in the ratings from the debut program that featured her interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Her follow up episode lost badly to a repeat of “60 Minutes”.

It seems journalism and ratings/revenue can sometimes create an uneasy concoction of information that ends up being hard to swallow.