Is it time to revisit free speech?

Billboard near Benton, Tennessee

Just when you think politics can’t sink any lower, along comes a candidate who breaks through and lowers the bar even further. This time with a billboard which reads “Make America White Again”.

Rick Tyler, an independent candidate for the 3rd Congressional District in Tennessee is the person responsible for the messages (see below). According to a story from WSMV-TV, Tyler said the sign’s message is that America should go back to a “1960’s, Ozzie and Harriet, Leave it to Beaver time when there were no break-ins; no violent crime; no mass immigration.”

He went on to add that he has no hatred in his heart for “people of color”, although one does wonder what he wants done to them. Maybe he can get them to leave voluntarily (who could blame them).

Tyler told a local ABC News affiliate that the sign was taken down on Tuesday evening after the story went viral. His restaurant, Whitewater Grille in Ocoee, is also facing calls for a boycott.

We need to remind ourselves that there will always be people who are extremists and are looking for a way to get noticed (can you say Westboro Baptist Church) and everyone has a right to their opinion, but there comes a time when somebody needs to say enough is enough.

Maybe we need to revisit freedom of speech along with the right to bear arms.

Another billboard for Rick Tyler for Congress.