Blurred lines

bench-2They have gone too far.

I admit, I’m a fan of Modern Family. I think it’s cleverly written and I find myself actually laughing out loud, but all that has changed after this past episode.

Part of the storyline involved Phil Dunphy, a loveable goofball, using his knowledge of real estate to foil an evil character’s attempts at taking advantage of a family member. I found myself cheering him on as he landed blow after blow on the unsuspecting person.

Turns out she was not the only unsuspecting person. That scene was part of a new advertising strategy by the National Association of Realtors. Yes, they actual paid for a scene that made real estate agents look valuable.

I totally get that today’s TV’s viewing habits are radically different than even five years ago and advertisers are having a hard time reaching consumers. Recording programs and zooming past the ads are becoming more and more the normal rather than the exception, but has it really come to this? I can understand paying a show to have an actor drink a coke (product placement), but to actually help write a script?

It looks like the sales department has moved smack dab into the writer’s office.