Be careful what you wish for

The nomination for the Republican Party presidential candidate has been interesting to say the least. Much like Ted Cruz’s successful election when he ran for the Senate, the goal it seems is to “out conservatize” the other.

While many pundits have long predicted Trump imploding, he continues to defy the odds and befuddle the establishment of the party by continuing to win states. I don’t think many republicans thought he would be able wear the conservative label and even attract the coveted evangelical vote, yet as of today, he remains the front-runner.

The race grew even more personal in South Carolina. I always assumed the palmetto state was gentile and respectfully southern until I remembered that Francis Underwood, the fictional president in the smash hit “House of Cards” is also from

Watching all this reminds me of that famous scene from the movie “The Hunt for the Red October” when a Russian sub is blown up due to the arrogance of its commander. It seems the Grand Old Party could be headed down the same path.