5 Reasons why Barclay’s Premier Soccer is worth watching

barclays premier league_0#5:  Introduction of the teams.

There’s no pyrotechnics or loud obnoxious music to get fans pumped up. Both teams enter the pitch side by side at the same time, often holding the hands of young soccer fan. The home team then walks calmly down the line and shakes the visiting team’s hands and officials.

#4:  The fans

Soccer fans are notorious for being fanatical about their teams and with good reason; some of these teams have been playing over 150 years. It’s not unusual to see fans singing the team fight song throughout the entire game while cheering, moaning and flashing their team’s colors.

#3:  There are no TV timeouts.

While there are plenty of times play is halted, you won’t be inundated with commercial after commercial. You will see little pop-up ads while play is taking place, but it never interferes with the pace or flow the match. Just make sure you visit the Loo prior to the opening whistle.

#2:   Close enough is fine

It is interesting how, in the world of the NFL where every inch of yardage is scrutinized and debated, soccer players simply pick up a ball that went out of bounds and then take a few steps either way to throw the ball back in. The same thing occurs when a ref calls a foul. The ball is simply placed in the “area” where the foul occurred and play is continued. There is no replay to determine the exact spot of where the ball should be placed which adds to more delays and hence more advertisements to sit through.

#1:  Relegation

As the season draws towards the end, all eyes are on the top and bottom of the standings. Not because the bottom three teams will be in a position to draft a good player, but because they will be kicked out of the league. Seeing as how the Houston Texans and Astros finished dead last last year, you have to believe they’re glad they don’t play in the Barclay’s Premier League.