Heads I Win…Tails You Lose

I am more than a little confused by the Republican Primary race for the U.S. Senate.  The two leading candidates are David Dewhurst and Ted Cruz.  To help make their case, both candidates have gone out of state and brought in former Governors Mike Huckabee and Sara Palin to tell us who we should vote for.  Do they really think Texans are that dumb they can’t decide for themselves?  Wait, don’t answer that yet.

Texans do have other choices.  Also running is some guy holding up empty suits in the air impersonating George Zimmerman from the Men’s Warehouse and a sportscaster whose political career is quickly catching up to his pro football career.  Sadly, they don’t seem to be drawing as much attention.

Here’s what I really need help with.  Can we please come up with a clear and defined system of scoring to determine who exactly the most conservative candidate is?  Is it the one brave enough to stand up to President Obama (oh wait, that’s all of them), the one with the guts to defy Presidents Bush’s order to delay executing an illegal immigrant for killing teenage girls, or the person who has the gumption to go tell the Washington Insiders to get the hell out of our state (except for you Mike Huckabee, you’re all right).


I am conservative

Ted Cruz brags that his dad was tortured while demonstrating in Cuba in one of his many ads, but it makes one wonder how he will translate that skill into action?  Is he implying that he’s ready to be tortured when he enters the hallowed halls of the United States Senate?  I heard it was a rough place, but had no idea it was that bad.  (And yes Ted, I do care about Chinese tires, but I can’t thank you enough for picking that lady to deliver the line for you.)


Hey, me too!!

Hey, me too!!

David Dewhurst meanwhile is touting the fact that he and not Governor Rick Perry has been the leading force behind leading the state in job growth, maintaining a balanced budget and, uh; sorry, but I can’t remember what the third one was.  He also has just released an ad announcing to the world that he is a life-long business man all while being a politician since 1998.  I have to say, coming out of the womb as a business man is pretty impressive.

All this hyperbole makes it really hard to make an intelligent decision, so I guess I’m going to have to rely on my back-up plan; flipping a coin…again.