Democracy Makes My Head Hurt

EgyptEgypt recently took another step towards democracy.  The country just held elections to determine its next President.  It’s an exciting time, listening to citizens take pride in the right to vote.



president-andrew-shepherdIn the movie “American President”, Michael Douglas (who plays President Andrew Shepard) said “America isn’t easy. America is advanced citizenship”.  Johnny Cash once said; “I love the freedoms we got in this country, I appreciate your freedom to burn your flag if you want to, but I really appreciate my right to bear arms so I can shoot you if you try to burn mine”.

Let’s face it; democracy is not easy.  Consider these hot-topic issues dominating the news…

  • The right of the church to exercise their belief vs. the right of women to have access to birth control?
  • The need to build the Keystone Pipeline vs. the right of property owners who say they don’t want it on their land?

“In Egypt we’d like to bring a new form of democracy where all can work together and in spite of our differences” said Abdul Mawgoud Rageh Dardery, who won a seat in the Egyptian parliament.

Work together?  That does not sound like the democracy being practiced in America today.  Both parties seem more interested in appealing to the base and would rather point out everywhere we disagree rather than focus on what we do agree on (we do still agree on something right?)

How do we put compromise back into the vocabulary?  In the good old days, politicians would enter a “smoke-filled room”, haggle, twist arms until both sides felt a little pain and made a little gain, but those days, like VHS tapes and the Walkman, seem like a long time ago.

Dalia Ziada, the Executive Director of Ibn Khaldun Center for Democratic Studies in Egypt said “Time by time, democracy fixes itself”.  I for one, hope she’s right.

Heads I Win…Tails You Lose

I am more than a little confused by the Republican Primary race for the U.S. Senate.  The two leading candidates are David Dewhurst and Ted Cruz.  To help make their case, both candidates have gone out of state and brought in former Governors Mike Huckabee and Sara Palin to tell us who we should vote for.  Do they really think Texans are that dumb they can’t decide for themselves?  Wait, don’t answer that yet.

Texans do have other choices.  Also running is some guy holding up empty suits in the air impersonating George Zimmerman from the Men’s Warehouse and a sportscaster whose political career is quickly catching up to his pro football career.  Sadly, they don’t seem to be drawing as much attention.

Here’s what I really need help with.  Can we please come up with a clear and defined system of scoring to determine who exactly the most conservative candidate is?  Is it the one brave enough to stand up to President Obama (oh wait, that’s all of them), the one with the guts to defy Presidents Bush’s order to delay executing an illegal immigrant for killing teenage girls, or the person who has the gumption to go tell the Washington Insiders to get the hell out of our state (except for you Mike Huckabee, you’re all right).


I am conservative

Ted Cruz brags that his dad was tortured while demonstrating in Cuba in one of his many ads, but it makes one wonder how he will translate that skill into action?  Is he implying that he’s ready to be tortured when he enters the hallowed halls of the United States Senate?  I heard it was a rough place, but had no idea it was that bad.  (And yes Ted, I do care about Chinese tires, but I can’t thank you enough for picking that lady to deliver the line for you.)


Hey, me too!!

Hey, me too!!

David Dewhurst meanwhile is touting the fact that he and not Governor Rick Perry has been the leading force behind leading the state in job growth, maintaining a balanced budget and, uh; sorry, but I can’t remember what the third one was.  He also has just released an ad announcing to the world that he is a life-long business man all while being a politician since 1998.  I have to say, coming out of the womb as a business man is pretty impressive.

All this hyperbole makes it really hard to make an intelligent decision, so I guess I’m going to have to rely on my back-up plan; flipping a coin…again.

Greatest Match Ever?

manchester-cityI have to admit that I have only recently started to enjoy the English Premier Soccer league (Barkley’s), but yesterday’s match was one of, if not the, best sporting event I have ever watched.

Manchester City needed to win to be crowned champions, and Queen’s Park Rangers (what a great name for a sports team) had to win to stay in the league and not be de-listed.

It started poorly for QPR giving up a weak goal, but they roared back to score twice and led 2-1 when play went into stoppage time.  Besides the goals, there was also a classic knee to the butt that drew a red card and so many corners for Manchester City, that I lost count.  After all that, the ref put 5 minutes up on the clock and Manchester City put the ball in the goal twice to win.

man-city-fansWatching the Manchester City fans faces go from joy to total despair to simply going bonkers at the end was like watching a roller coaster ride.  I can’t imagine what they went through, especially when you consider how long they have been second to their arch rivals, Manchester United (They last won in 1968).  It was also funny seeing the Man U. coach’s face when he learned that City had come back.

The game was so dramatic, the announcer screamed “They’ll make a movie of this match” when final whistle blew.  Who says soccer, errrrr football is boring?