The Customer is Not Always Right

That darn Alec Baldwin is at it again.  Seems the pompous buffoon was removed from an American Airlines flight yesterday because he was in the middle of playing “Words with Friends” and didn’t want to turn off his phone after a flight attendant repeatedly asked him to.

The 30 Rock star later boarded another American Airlines flight, but tweeted it would be his last flight on that airline and also tweeted that’s “where Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950’s go to find jobs as flight attendants.”  Pretty funny stuff from a not so funny guy.  Why people find him amusing is beyond me, but everyone is entitled to like what they like.

What will American Airlines response be?  So far, the only comment has been “no comment” citing customer privacy concerns, but that seems out the window to me after he tweeted to the world what took place.

I hope that American Airlines interviews the flight attendants and other passengers and, if what has been reported (he supposedly slammed a bathroom on the way out just to make his point clear that he should have been allowed to play his video game), they should announce that he is banned from ever flying on American Airlines.

The customer is not always right, and I believe it would send a strong message to their employees that the company they work for has their back.  Do you really think tickets sales will take a hit because they don’t allow some over-hyped actor fly with them?

Show that kind of borish behavior is not going to be tolerated, by anyone.  I don’t usually stand up for big business, but in this instance I’m with the airline. Maybe he might even learn a lesson that, just because you’re an ass doesn’t mean you should always get your way, but somehow I doubt it.